Tuesday, November 29, 2011


 I love Maggie Gyllenhall. I think she is unique, interesting, her own person. I like the lace dress except for a few things. First, the homage to exercise wear doesn't seem to go with lace. Hence the neckline should be different in my view. The bodice is very plain because of the neckline. The whole thing needs some sort of enhancement. Maybe the hair should be down. Something is wrong.
 I'm not a Scarjo fan. Never have been. Aside from the pigeon toed stance she habitually adopts, she seems to just miss the mark on a lot of her fashions. This one is no exception. The dress is simply too close to the color of her skin to have any mark of distinction. It's too long by about 4 inches. It has no enhancements at all. Sad.
It isn't easy to make this starlet? look good any more. But this one is one of the worst efforts I have seen. It looks as if someone took gym shorts and put a nightgown over them. Then they added suede huge booties. The lace look simply fails here. Nuff said.

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