Don't you just love it when so-called fashion Icons go terribly, hideously wrong. The fashion designers are all about getting their goods onto celebs so non-celebs can see them and want them. With Gwyneth Paltrow, for instance, the dress is quite pretty in spite of it's costumey nature. Now, picture the dress with a pair of shoes instead of boots. Think of a pair of shoes that are as dressy as the dress. Wouldn't that be lovely. At least she didn't wear combat boots. I am all for them in the right circumstances. But combat boots on a red carpet just don't do it for me.
Now there is the example of the former Victoria Beckham and the current Victoria Beckham. This woman loves fashion. That is obvious to anyone who sees her anywhere. And I don't think this is a bad thing. She seems to have the money to follow her love. However, wearing something just because a designer made it or just because it is so different it stands out is not my idea of fashion. Victoria's pouffy jacket simply looks like a huge grab for attention and it got attention. But I have my doubts that a lot of girls rushed out to buy its knock-off. The Black jacket that Victoria is wearing looks so good on her that it would make lots of girls rush out to buy its clone. That is paying attention to fashion and to one's personal style.
There is a photo of SJP in a dress she could have done without. I don't think she realizes that the newer fashions on an older body can look out of place. The fact is, just about everything she wears is appropriate for a 20 year old. However, SJP could probably pull off the looks if she didn't 1.make the looks so severe. 2.wear everything to show off stilettos which no longer to good things for her legs. When a woman ages, marks on the skin become more obvious. Shadows deepen. Leg make-up becomes a good option. And of course not running around with a pumpkinhead might help.
Christina Aguilera has loved motherhood according to the rag mags. But the costume, yes costume, she is wearing in the attached pic looks more like she wants to return to sometime in her teen years. This woman has the voice of an angel and can sometimes look like one. I would love to see her become more sophisticated and less sloppy.
At one point, Hilary Duff had it all. She had slimmed and gotten a lot of polish to her wardrobe. I find nothing wrong with the obvious fact that she has put on a few pounds. But why couldn't she take a hint from the rag mags about that weight gain. When Jessica Simpson put on pounds, the thing that causes the furor was not so much the weight gain but that it was smooshed into clothing appropriate for a slimmer person. The Dress that Hilary is wearing in the photo with her boyfriend looks ill fitting and appropriate for a slimmer person. The hair isn't so good and the dress color is awful on her. She is a pretty, talented girl. With no fashion sense.
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