Zac in Red
Zac in Blue, Missoni in Desert
Zac Pozen nailed the fabrics to make a woman feel beautiful thing in his new collection.
Missoni, on the other hand must have seen the original Stargate movie.

Zac Pozen nailed the fabrics to make a woman feel beautiful thing in his new collection.
Missoni, on the other hand must have seen the original Stargate movie.
Isn't it interesting that Jennifer Anniston and Angie Jolie don't seem to care as much about a feud as the magazines do. Magazines must be running out of things to write about. Come on Hollywood, do something stupid for the mags.
Jay Leno--- going, going, gone? Who knows? The plan is to plan way ahead so you can change your mind like Brett Farve.
Is it just me or is there a brotherhood of Browns? Chris-Bobby?
Octo Mom_______come on guys. She has a name. Let's see--It is ??????????????forgot
Glory be, Wolverine(Hugh Jackman) and Harry Potter are returning to us this year.
Jay Leno--- going, going, gone? Who knows? The plan is to plan way ahead so you can change your mind like Brett Farve.
Is it just me or is there a brotherhood of Browns? Chris-Bobby?
Octo Mom_______come on guys. She has a name. Let's see--It is ??????????????forgot
Glory be, Wolverine(Hugh Jackman) and Harry Potter are returning to us this year.
Lady Gaga- Magazines call her worst dressed. They are not clothes, they are costumes. Get a grip editory.
Madonna--What can you say? Mags and tv shows say she keeps reinventing herself. I just think she is the same incledibly buff s--- she has always been only in a new outfit. And often the new outfits are not appropriate for kids to see. Wonder where she gets dressed. Surely not at home.
Gary Sinise was a superb movie actor. Now he is a grossly underrated superb tv actor.
Just once I would love to see all of the Hollywood women without their hair extensions.
I'll say it again. Spencer and Heidi are irritating and need to disappear.
Oh the joys of being nasty. That is, of course, because no one is paying me to pump up star egos, lie about their work and looks, pimp labels to them or even meet them. There seem to be a few
celebs who actually live up to their positions as roll models, like Hugh Jackman and Kate Winslet. Reese and Jake, Etc. Most of the others seem to think they are somehow superhuman or no longer human. They demand, yell, preen, and diss other celebs. They should be portrayed, in my opinion as the jerks they are.
Rich Limbaugh once said it,"I hope he fails." about the programs President Obama has tried to start. Rich, to me, is a supreme example of someone no one should listen to.
Again some of this is news, some old news, and some opinion. Take what you will.
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